Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pro-Life day of Prayer Jan 21st 2015

Pro-Life day of Prayer

Day of prayer and adoration, with reflections on the value of

life by Mother Mary Anne OSB.

We offer this day of prayer to show our support for the

Pro-life march in Washington D.C.

January 21st. 2015

1:30 pm to 6:30 pm

You are welcome to come to any part of the day,

no charge for this event

Visit our Facebook page for more information

Facebook page:


Monday, January 5, 2015

Blessed Epiphany 2015

Nativity Cor Jesu Chapel St. Emma Monastery.

Blessed Epiphany!!!

This is still one of my favorite images, the figures in our nativity allows for the gifts to be taken out of the hands of the kings thus allowing them to hold the baby Jesus. 

God Bless your New Year!!