Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Transfiguration and The Second Sunday of Lent

Today's Gospel account from St. Matthew is one of those well known stories.  Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a high mountain and is transfigured before them.  In all three of the Synoptic Gospels, this takes place after Jesus' first prediction of his Passion, Death and Resurrection.  Only St. Luke, records that the three had fallen asleep and "becoming fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him." 

When reading this text, I often wonder what my response would have been.  Would I have been like Peter and wanted to stay there?  Would I have even believed what I was seeing?  What would my response have been?  And more importantly, how would I have reacted to hearing the Father's voice proclaiming Jesus as His beloved Son?  Did Peter, James or John know about the Father's voice at his Baptism  in the Jordan?  Did they connect the two? 

These and similar questions help us to make the Scripture more a part of our lives and help us to grow in our dialog with God.

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