Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Having learned of some of the latest Internet phenomena that includes planking, owling, toothpicking, coning and leisure diving, we at the monastery have come up with one of our own:  "nunning."

What is "nunning", you ask?  Simply put, "nunning" is everyday occurrences at the monastery, presented to help introduce you to different aspects of our daily life, and to help you learn more about our monastic life.  Some of our posts will be fun, others show our life of prayer, and still others depict some of the aspects of our work, or as we like to describe it, love made manifest.

We hope you will enjoy our "nunning" posts which will appear approximately once a week (at random).  God bless and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. So beautifully done! I will bookmark this site and keep up with the weekly posts! I love St. Emma's...a spiritual place of peace and light! God Bless all of you!
