Friday, August 16, 2019

Postulants Perspective by Audrey St. Emma Monastery Greensburg, PA Postu...

Welcome to Postulants Perspective by Audrey
She will be uploading videos every several weeks sharing her journey as a Postulant at St. Emma Monastery.
Feel free to ask questions, and she will try to incorporate them into future videos.
God Bless

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Discernment Day of Recollection March 23, 2019

“How to discern your vocation?”
The Plan of The Master Weaver’s Hand***

  BUT, you may be asking, how do I know what the Lord’s plan is for ME?
   Join other young single women (ages 18-28) on March 23, 2019, at St. Emma Monastery to hear Rev. Boniface Hicks OSB offer two conferences on discerning your vocation.     While reflecting and sharing on what the Master Weaver might desire for you, Sr. Maria Johanna OSB and Sr. Margoretta OSB will teach you how to weave these beautiful palms.
 9:00 am    Registration    Continental breakfast
 9:30          How to discern your vocation? Is it to married life, single life, or religious life   (Part 1)
                        Fr. Boniface
10:15        Weaving palms~discuss~reflect~on vocational discernment
11:45        Join nuns for Sext/None (Liturgy of the Hours)
 1:00          Discernment Part II   Fr. Boniface
 2:00          Palm Weaving
 4:00          Closing

RSVP by March 21.   Offering $15 includes lunch

For reservations or more information:  Contact Sr. Maria Johanna OSB 724-610-7595

*** Google The Plan of The Master Weaver’s Hand to meditate on this very inspirational