Saturday, July 30, 2011

Humility, Twelfth Step and Wrap-up

In the twelfth and final step of humility, we find that a monk always manifests humility in his bearing no less than in his heart.[1]  Maybe the real fruit of this step is that the monk is approachable.  He now has made himself totally open to the Spirit working within him and is able to truly an instrument for the Lord to use.  This openness brings with it a real joy and peace to the monk who then manifests that same joy and peace to those he encounters.

Simply put, humility opens us to love of God, love of self, love of our neighbor and love of the stranger.  Put into an equation:  humility = love.  Not the warm fuzzy love, but the love that is present when things are not so nice.  Monks taking turns sitting with a brother monk who is dying.  The mother awake all night to care for a sick child.  The friend being there for a friend whose spouse just asked for a divorce.  The examples are endless.  This is the selfless love to which St. Benedict is calling the monk.

[1] RB 1980, 201.

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