Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Kings are coming are you ready.....

We have a practice of blessing the Monastery on Epiphany.

We meet in the Atrium after Mass, Father says the blessing for homes, sprinkles the room with holy water, he incenses the room and then he takes a blessed piece of chalk and marks the doors of the room. We then process around the Monastery and he changes the marking above every door in the place....we have a lot of doors... One sister has the holy water and the other carries the incense around following Father, so each room is blessed with holy water and incensed. We go all around the buildings, blessing and marking each door and room.
(Did I mention we have a lot of doors and rooms, I think the the number of outside doors connected to the Monastery and Retreat House, is 43)
Father usually only goes around the main part of the Monastery, we change the numbers on the rest of the buildings.

This is a major event each year for some of the sisters, we go around cleaning, organizing and hiding stuff, so that the Three Kings can come and bless the Monastery, physically...

But the greater meaning behind all of this is are we cleaned and spiffed up spiritually for the coming of the Christ, and his friends....

So are you ready????
20 + C + M + B + 13

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