Monday, April 18, 2011

Litany of Spiritual Confidence

Lord, I can do all that You ask of me because it is You who strengthen me.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, whenever I fall you delight in my confidence to trust You all the more.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, let me look to You and not to myself to find what is neede to please You.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, when I am overcome by fear it is because my peace depends on some thing instead of on your will.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, fee me from my hidden attachments to self-righteousness.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, let me always remember that it is You who move me to ask for your love.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, help me to see that the meaning of my faults is to learn to depend on You more and more.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, give me the strength to cry out for your love when all that I see is nothingness in myself.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, save me from the impulse to look for my peace and security in my own strength.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, the more you let me see what I am left to myself, the more You give me the grace to cling to You.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, to be happy, I need nothing but what You provide for me at every moment.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, the more I live in the love You give me in this moment, the more perfectly I am able to suffer whatever comes my way.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, when I come to You at those times when I am overwhelmed by my own misery, I glorify You the most.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, it is in being receptive to You in the knowledge of my own weakness that I derive all my strength.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, let me always remember that You want me to let You make me perfect by your love.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Lord, the measure of my union with You is my faith in the power of your love to purify me and make me worthy of You.
     Lord, keep me close to You.

Composed by Father Peter John Cameron, OP

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